Sunday, November 23, 2008

Name Change and Redesign

...rendering the blog only slightly different, but much more awesome than it previously was.

So I've realized that, since I've gone in a new direction with the whole thing, that it was time to change (among other things) my old title to the new extravagant, yet elegant new name for the blog. Of course I wanted to choose something that would be more on topic with the blog's nature, and I think this one works well. Velo, which Google tells me is french for bicycle, gives it a bit of European class and alliteration as well.

I've also finally changed from the default font to some sweet Trebuchet action, so the blog is officially and permanently sans serif (ooh la la, more french!).

This is the dawning of a new era, and I think that we're going to see some swanky new developments around here, so stayed tuned, dear readers, and enjoy the magic.

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